aurasma lite app
aurasma lite app

Doctorsandnursescanusethisapptofindoutimportantdruginformation,dosagerecommendations,patienthistory,andmanyotherlife-savingscenarios.The ...,YoucandownloadtheappfromgoogleplayforandroidoriTunesforappledevices.Currentversion(August2014)is.3.3.0(re...


Aurasma是一個擴增實境的工具.在行動載具上安裝Aurasma的APP.掃描有被製作成aura的靜態圖片.就會在圖片上浮現影片,圖像或文字.請先安裝Aurasma, ...

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Aurasma Lite

Doctors and nurses can use this app to find out important drug information, dosage recommendations, patient history, and many other life-saving scenarios. The ...

[PDF] Aurasmsa - Getting Started

You can download the app from google play for android or iTunes for apple devices. Current version (August 2014) is. 3.3.0 (requires android 4.0 or iOS 7.0 ...

HP Reveal (formerly Aurasma ) Alternative - cxocARd

HP Reveal, also known as Aurasma was the first application that comes to mind when you say augmented reality application.


Aurasma, later known as HP Reveal, was an augmented reality platform launched by HP Autonomy on May 5, 2011.

How to use aurasma lite (awesome augmented reality). free

Here's the basic description of what this app does. You can tag an object and place an image, video or 3D animation on the object that can only be see through ...


Aurasma是一個擴增實境的工具. 在行動載具上安裝Aurasma的APP. 掃描有被製作成aura的靜態圖片. 就會在圖片上浮現影片,圖像或文字. 請先安裝Aurasma, ...

Aurasma免費自己製作擴增實境!好棒的AR應用,可以有人物介紹 ...

Aurasma Lite可以讓你把海報、網頁、印刷品、真實風景等,只要是相機鏡頭能看到的靜態影像(動態當然無法辨識啦),加上想要的動畫、影片等效果,甚至3D圖形嵌 ...

Aurasma: A Great Self

If you want to check out the Aurasma Lite app, it's available in the App Store for the iPhone or iPad and on Google Play for Android phones.

Augmented Reality: Aurasma Lite

I sent my students an e-mail with links to install Aurasma Lite, as well as links, provided by Aurasma, to activate the trigger images (so their ...

AURASMA LITE @ CreativeApps

Cool augmented reality app Virtual content integrated to the real world. Produced by marlon barrios solano.


Doctorsandnursescanusethisapptofindoutimportantdruginformation,dosagerecommendations,patienthistory,andmanyotherlife-savingscenarios.The ...,YoucandownloadtheappfromgoogleplayforandroidoriTunesforappledevices.Currentversion(August2014)is.3.3.0(requiresandroid4.0oriOS7.0 ...,HPReveal,alsoknownasAurasmawasthefirstapplicationthatcomestomindwhenyousayaugmentedrealityapplication.,Aurasma,laterknown...